Thursday 30 October 2008

This is why I write...

OK, Like I'm so excited.... my first blog ha! done on company time too double ha ha!
Anyways.. Ive been reading several people's blogs - some friends (Miss T) and some stalkers... and even the guy whose blog keeps getting him into trouble with his girlfriend...
Anyway this blog is for me about me and me alone.... well something like that anyways. I will start by telling you a little bit about my self and hopefully, you will get to know me better as time passes by...
Why have I decided to start writing now? I'm not sure actually. I'm at a stage in life where most things are quite stable. It hasn't always been this way you know.....
I have been with my man (Lets call him Muffin - my pet name for him... When he gets upset with me or on special occasions, such as birthdays and Christmas, it is escalated to Chocolate muffin) Ok... back to what I was saying... Muffin and I have been together for going on 4 years now... Actually 4 years in April next year...It has been a relationship filled with drama... And when I say drama... I actually mean hard core x-gf drama... But I am sooo glad that everything is much more stable now... I love him to death and I know he feels the same way about me... We have actually been talking alot about the future recently and I have no doubt in my mind that this man is my husband... Anyway, we will talk more about that as time goes on...
My career is great... Graduate trainee to Project Manager in 2 years... now that is a major accomplishment.. I graduated with a 1st class from university and I have always known what I want. (THAT'S NOT REALLY TRUE.... we will get back to that..)... I have not been gifted with intelligence and good luck.. I have had to work very hard to get to where I am today, because lets just say I know where I want to get to but I am still figuring out ways to get there...
I am actually not feeling very well today... recovering from the flu but I am back at work anyway.. Project deadlines don't wait for no one..
Starting this blog actually makes me remember someone special I used to know... An amazing person, which I will talk about in later posts....
Anyway, give a Nigerian twenty-something hard working career babe, a warm welcome to blogsville... I promise to keep you entertained at least every week, with hot unbelievable gist (sometimes my life can be like a home video... lol)...

Happy Thursday x x


uNWrItten* said...

welcome..ill be here often :)

Buttercup said...

Nice intro..

Lol @ 'muffin' escalating to 'chocolate muffin' during special occasions..aww..

Congrats on ur accomplishments and welcome to blogville!(i know is quite a late

hypnotique said...

Thanks Y'all...