Friday 31 October 2008

Its the last day of the week and the last day of the month...

Ok let’s see... What have I accomplished this month?? Hmmmm...
Even though this year has been quite short...October has been very long… I have made so many new friends, rekindled lost relationships and lost a few…
On the topic of loosing relationships, a very good friend comes to mind…

I once had this very close friend, let’s call her Anna… We attended the same secondary school in Nija and have been friends ever since. Funny enough, I actually thought she was very annoying in school… She was one of those girls that you just hate to love… She was soooo annoyingly funny… She always came up with all the razz jokes that eventually became part of our high school history…

Anyway fast-forward to roughly 4 - 5 years after school; we were still very good friends… I had completed university and was working. She was in her final year in a university outside London. Every time she was in town, she stayed at my place. We became soooo close and it eventually got to a stage where she knew everything about me. We had opened up completely to each other. She was also so much fun to be around. For someone who studied outside London, she always knew what was going on in London and would drag me out. I am not usually a party girl, but around her, I loosened up and had so much fun. We were always out, looking hot and fabulous together… At that point in my life, Muffin and I were having issues, due to psycho x and she was just there for me. She introduced me to so many guys who would wine and dine me every weekend. My social calendar was full. I met all sorts of people but did not fall for any of them because my heart was still with muffin. However, there was this one guy I met, who was very nice, but he had issues… Apart from the fact that he was into fraud and was a high school dropout. He was actually a very nice God-fearing person…. I know it’s strange to describe someone who is into fraud as nice and God-fearing, but he was… Anyway, I will talk about him more in a later post.
Anna had this wonderful boyfriend who eventually became a psycho due to weed over-indulgence and she had to break up with him. It was a really hard experience for her, but I was there for her through it all. The thing is the guy was perfect for her in everyway, except for the fact that he is Igbo and she is Yoruba and their parents would have given them an extremely hard time. On top of all that, he then decided to become a crack head. They initially had the sort of relationship everyone would envy, but I guess they were not meant to be.

It was my birthday and I decided to have a party at a Thai restaurant, somewhere in central. Everyone who mattered to me was there. Muffin’s sister came with a very good friend of hers… Let’s call him Soji… Anyway, Soji and Anna hit it off. I was actually very happy for her, that she had met someone she liked again, till I found out that Soji was not really into her and he told Muffin’s sister everything that happened between them, even all the intricate (dirty) details. Things Anna had not even told me… Anyway this was the beginning of the end of our friendship, because she told Soji, who she had only known for 2 weeks all sort of lies about me…

How did I find out?

Muffin had been in Nija for a couple of months before my birthday, we started talking again before my birthday, so he came to the restaurant (late I might add…) Remember the 419, nice, God-fearing brother I mentioned earlier… well he was also there and was all over me, however, nothing was going on between us, we were just friends. But Muffin did not know this, he went mad at the sight of another man all over me and decided to spark for me, and leave. Anyway at this stage, it was obvious muffin and I still had intense feelings for each other.

Anna knew this, and a part of me felt she did not want muffin and I to get back with each other. She even went as far as telling me that muffin was looking at her ass at my birthday. She did say it playfully, but it hurt. Anyway, I knew she was joking, so I let it go.

One day, muffin’s sister asks me over to their place, and muffin starts to scream at me. I could see the intense fury in his eyes. He said all sorts of things I had no idea about... It was horrible… The love of my life called me all sorts of names… I had no room to explain anything… I was heart broken and confused. So the investigation started… To cut the long story short, it eventually turned out that Anna, my beloved friend, who I loved so much and would share every part of myself with, had been telling Soji and a few other people horrible things about me… I couldn’t believe it… I wondered why… No matter how hard I tried, I could not justify why she had done such a horrible thing… Talk about a friend you have had for years in a very horrible way to some nonentity, that did not even give a shit about her, she had only known for 2 weeks. I really do not want to go into the details of what had been said, but it was terrible… As weeks passed, it even became worse, because Muffin and I started talking again and he broke everything down to me… I had lost a friend and I had no idea why… but the good thing is, the event brought Muffin and I closer together and eventually back into our relationship…

To this day, I still have no idea why Anna did such a thing but the fact is that it happened. It has been about a year since and I have completely forgiven her, but I am still so sad when I think about it. For the first time since it happened, Muffin and I saw her at a mutual friend’s party last weekend… It was nice to see her again, but my heart really sank. I really wish she did not do those things, but then again, maybe we just were not meant to be… I lost a friend and gained a lover…

Anyway it’s Friday… Yay… I’m really happy because I get to see Muffin tonight and for the whole weekend… I just want to feel him kiss my cheeks… I really love it when he does that, because it says soooo much to me… “We have been through a whole load of drama but we are still together and I love you more each day”

Happy Friday x x

Thursday 30 October 2008

This is why I write...

OK, Like I'm so excited.... my first blog ha! done on company time too double ha ha!
Anyways.. Ive been reading several people's blogs - some friends (Miss T) and some stalkers... and even the guy whose blog keeps getting him into trouble with his girlfriend...
Anyway this blog is for me about me and me alone.... well something like that anyways. I will start by telling you a little bit about my self and hopefully, you will get to know me better as time passes by...
Why have I decided to start writing now? I'm not sure actually. I'm at a stage in life where most things are quite stable. It hasn't always been this way you know.....
I have been with my man (Lets call him Muffin - my pet name for him... When he gets upset with me or on special occasions, such as birthdays and Christmas, it is escalated to Chocolate muffin) Ok... back to what I was saying... Muffin and I have been together for going on 4 years now... Actually 4 years in April next year...It has been a relationship filled with drama... And when I say drama... I actually mean hard core x-gf drama... But I am sooo glad that everything is much more stable now... I love him to death and I know he feels the same way about me... We have actually been talking alot about the future recently and I have no doubt in my mind that this man is my husband... Anyway, we will talk more about that as time goes on...
My career is great... Graduate trainee to Project Manager in 2 years... now that is a major accomplishment.. I graduated with a 1st class from university and I have always known what I want. (THAT'S NOT REALLY TRUE.... we will get back to that..)... I have not been gifted with intelligence and good luck.. I have had to work very hard to get to where I am today, because lets just say I know where I want to get to but I am still figuring out ways to get there...
I am actually not feeling very well today... recovering from the flu but I am back at work anyway.. Project deadlines don't wait for no one..
Starting this blog actually makes me remember someone special I used to know... An amazing person, which I will talk about in later posts....
Anyway, give a Nigerian twenty-something hard working career babe, a warm welcome to blogsville... I promise to keep you entertained at least every week, with hot unbelievable gist (sometimes my life can be like a home video... lol)...

Happy Thursday x x